According to Tonio, the rain was "lovely" but for me it was just a miserable day to be walking.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have any other chance in the week and we hadn’t done an adventure in a while, so we thought, why not? It's not like the rain is pouring more than usual on a winter day in Belgium.

However, there was a silver lining: according to the weather forecast that Tonio saw, the rain would cease at around 3 o’clock. When we looked outside at half past two, that didn’t look the case. But Tonio insisted that the rain would stop at three. When the time finally was three, we were in a forest,
and Tonio made the excuse that the droplets we were feeling were from the rain that had already fallen but were caught on the trees. When we walked into a clearing, Tonio made the excuse that 3 o’clock had already passed. It was slightly irritating for me.

Contrary to the silver lining, I found out that the coat I brought wasn’t fully waterproof... the hard way. However, that didn’t ruin our spirits. All along the adventure, there were several witty comments thrown in like "it's raining cats and dogs and I just stepped on a poodle" and (context: we were in a forest and the leaves were dripping wit (sorry, I had to include that one myself)) "listen... We are leavesdropping!" I have to admit that that was a good one.

At one point, the 360-degree landscape reminded me of the first time we shot a video. I suggested that we take another one. This is what came out of it:
And after all of that, we struggled to the car and drove home...
Did you enjoy this adventure as much as we did? If so, make sure to join us on our next one. Also, make sure to check out Tonio’s website called The Wanderer. But for now, ciao!
It rained most of the time today. The weather forecast was that probability of rain was 30% at 3 pm. Normally, this should mean that it is mostly dry at that time. It didn't happen. It kept raining although, thankfully, not too heavily and my (not Gianluca's) raincoat did a good job at keeping me dry. Most of the discussion during the walk was about when the rain would stop, with me trying to invent any excuse about the fact that it was still raining, mostly based on the hypothesis that it had actually stopped raining and the trees above our heads were still dripping rain that had fallen before.

My theory was debunked the moment we found ourselves under an open sky, with a constant drizzle still wetting our raincoats, and in Gianluca's case the clothes beneath his supposedly rainproof jacket.
It was still fun, though.