Sunday 16 March 2014

Adventure 1 recorded on the blog

This was a strange adventure me and Tonio walked. Though we had lots of fun we had quite a few of pictures one of them was a broken structure. It was something... But we didn't know.

Another one was when we had just started the adventure with me showing number 25 with the tip of my finger. There were three pictures with animals one of them were two horses the other two were a frog and lots of deer.

Some of the pictures were just sceneries of the brilliant views we had. My favourite picture was when I was sitting in the hay!

We had a lot of strange passages one of the arrows to lead to one of the numbers were rubbed out because the people who made all these numbers didn't want us to go near the other people's houses but we noticed it [*]. I could barely see one of the passages!

But we had lots and lots of fun and me and Tonio will write next week see you later.

- Gianluca De Gringu

* [Tonio: actually, my theory was that it was the owners of the house who rubbed out the arrow, to avoid having walkers using a path very close to their back yard.]

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